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Fleas can Kill Kittens, Get Rid of Cat Fleas

By on November 4, 2015

Fleas can Kill Kittens, learn how to best to get rid of Cat Fleas as soon as you see them.


How can you tell if your cat has fleas?

If your cat is scratching itself or pulling out clumps of hair – then you know something is bothering it. First guess would be Fleas.

Learn how to kill Fleas on your cat and in the house, plus how Fleas can kill kittens.One way you can tell if your cat has Fleas is to place your cat on a white sheet or blanket and comb them gently. Then shake out the comb over the white sheet/blanket. If you see tiny brown or black specks – the specks could be what’s called ‘Flea-dirt’ (which is actually Flea-poop).

Very carefully, place the tiny brown specks onto a moist paper-towel or white tissue. If the specks turn pinkish then you’re cat has Fleas. By the specks turning pinking or pinkish-red, this is blood – which means Fleas have been on your cat. Read about the Lifecycle of a Flea.


About Fleas on Cats

Keeping cats Flea free is important because cats groom themselves every day. If your cat should intentionally or non-intentionally eat a Flea while grooming themselves they will develop tapeworms. If your cat spends time both inside and outside your house and/or likes to hunt – they can pick up tapeworms, after eating prey (small rodents). Tapeworms don’t do as much damage as roundworms or whipworms, but the cat needs to be treated quickly.

Flea bites on cats often cause allergic dermatitis which is a reaction to the saliva from the actual Flea bite. Cats will display their reactions to allergic dermatitis by either scratching themselves silly or pulling out fur in rather large clumps. The cat’s hair can become thin an/or small bumps or scales will form on the skin.

About Fleas on Kittens

Fleas carry diseases that if transmitted can be fatal. Fleas on kittens can quickly dehydrate their tiny bodies and cause anemia, which if left untreated can be fatal. While both kittens and adult cats can suffer from Flea related anemia, kittens especially are at risk due to their small size and weight. If your kitten or cat is weak and/or listless and you know Fleas are present – a blood transfusion at a pet hospital or by a veterinarian should be performed as soon as possible.


How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats

How to get rid of Fleas on CatsGive your cat a Capstar for Cats tablet that provides treatment of flea infestations on cats & kittens, dogs, puppies, four weeks of age and older and two pounds of body weight or greater as well as for pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.

Fast acting formula begins working within 30 minutes and will kill almost all adult fleas within four hours of ingestion.

If your pet gets re-infested with fleas, you can safely give another dose of Capstar as often as once per day.

Give your cat a Flea bath, then the following day – apply a topical Flea treatment such as Frontline or Advantage. When choosing a Flea treatment read the label before you buy.  Look for the ingredient IGR (Insect Growth Regulator). IGR is the most important part of the whole flea control process and without it – all Fleas will
not be killed, and they will absolutely come back in a few weeks.

Thoroughly de-Flea your house and yard to prevent a Flea re-infestation. Wash everything in your house your cat touches, in hot water. Place in dryer on a high-heat dry setting. Vacuum your house thoroughly several times. Don’t forget to vacuum and treat any places your cat spends time, such as your car, the pet carrier, garage and/or basement.

Outside your house, remove the vacuum bag and place in another bag and and dispose of in the outside garbage. If your vacuum is bagless, take the vacuum outside, empty the vacuum container into a bag, tie the top and place in your outside garbage can. Don’t empty your vacuum in the house, because live Fleas can escape back into your home.

Natural Flea Home Spray, or lightly distribute Diatomaceous Earth (food grade). Treat your cat with a monthly Flea treatment such as Frontline or Advantage to keep Fleas away. Continue to vacuum your house thoroughly several times a week to pick up Fleas that haven’t hatched yet, and you missed getting with the first vacuuming. Also wash your cat’s bedding and toys often.


Flea Treatments for Cats

Frontline Plus for Cats

Advantage II for Cats

Capstar for Dogs and Cats starts killing Fleas quickly.

Natural Flea Home Spray used by over 40,000 pet owners.


more to explore:

How to Treat  Fleas on DogsFleas in Your HouseFleas on HumansFleas in the Yard,




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